The Rock Rocks

And we tell you the best ways to get there from Hoboken The Prudential Center in Newark opened about two weeks ago appropriately with the first of 10 Bon Jovi concerts and the Devils’ home opener a few days later. For residents of Hoboken, and particularly those without cars, the …

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The Hunt Diaries: 2007

There are only two events out of the year when an unpredictable day can be predicted: Hoboken’s St. Patty’s Day and The Hunt. Each event centers around drinking, each costs at least 100 dollars to help guarantee a positive outcome. As I’ve done for HSPD, here’s a blow-by-blow description of …

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The Fastest Day of Your Life

Tony Soprano, in a repeat on A&E of the late HBO series, during a therapy session with Dr. Melfi on the meaning (or lack thereof) of life: “Seven. It’s a good movie, and I never seen it before. But half way through it, I’m thinking, this is bullshit. A waste …

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Hoboken411’s House of Scandal

A Grass-Roots Community Blog’s Bias and Hypocrisy is Finally Exposed Joe Concha wishes to extend an open letter of thanks to the Hoboken Reporter for their well-researched column for their revelation of a Hoboken-based blog owner (or wait, maybe he doesn’t own it…he won’t say) being a solvent political …

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