The Bennys Are Doomed

Remember that plot to blow up JFK that was foiled by the FBI about a week ago? It has since been determined that the would-be terrorists were using Google Earth to obtain detailed photos of the airport to help plan an attack that thankfully never occurred. The same strategy has …

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It’s Your Time Now

I believe Snoopy used to start off his novels with the following line: “It was a dark and stormy night.” Of course, such a sentence couldn’t apply to June- a month mentioned in more of Sinatra’s love songs than any other. It is now a time of warmth, weddings, and …

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The Parker House Jumps the Shark

It pains me to write that title. Really, it does. For those who have been reading this Hoboken-based column since 2002, and for those who have known me since that time, it is obvious that I hold Sea Girt’s Parker House in the same stratospheric regard Ray Cansella held his …

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Geographically Undesirable

The chemistry between Zach and Cindy was one of the ages. “Good niiiight,” Zach sang again with a smile for the third time in three minutes, leaning in. “Good niiiight,” Cindy sang back meeting him halfway. Cindy wanted Zach to come inside to see the new carpet she had just …

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