Breaking up…With Your Beach House

“I think the beach scene has jumped the shark,” a mid-30s single Hobokenite and Sea Girter told me recently. She was using a TV term that means a show has hit its peak and the plot had become so ridiculous that it is no longer enjoyable; such was the case …

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The Teeming Itinerary of Life

What’s the hardest thing to do during our time on Earth? a)    Score front-row U2 tickets b)    Score with either of the protagonists of Mr. and Mrs. Smith c)    Score a perfect performance on the balance beam of life d)    None of the above Despite being a Bono fan and …

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The Missing Season

Back in 2000 I interviewed Jason Priestley upon his move to New York and asked him why he would leave sunny California for the heartless winters of the northeast. “Because in Hollywood,” Brandon/Jason explained, “there are four seasons: Oscar Season, Emmy Season, Academy Award season and Golden Globe season. I …

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