The Rules of Engagement

Mitch felt a connection with Julie was established while walking home from the beach. Scott felt the same after going to happy hour at The Parker House with Kirsten. Jeff contemplated leaving his longtime girlfriend for someone else, although he had no idea who she was yet. And it was …

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What’s in a Name?

Tom Brady’s name does not make him trustworthy   Jerry Seinfeld once broke up with a girl because she ate one pea at a time at dinner. He also dumped one for having man hands. And then there was the time he give a girl her walking papers because he …

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The Mammoth Mistakes Men Make

After 15 years of dating, it appears some Y-chromosomes of Hoboken still haven’t received the memo on the proper rules of courtship. What you are about to read isn’t a column, but a public service announcement designed to prevent men from continuing to make asses of themselves in the world …

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Getting Past the Past

This conversation between Miles and Melissa was bound to come up as she flipped through one of his photo albums on a slow December Wednesday night after a bottle of Cabernet and Chinese food… “So, tell me about her,” Melissa asked as she pointed to a photo of a familiar …

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